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With CryptoFemale Contributions The BeInCrypto E-Book is Published

Yazarın fotoğrafı: Hilal B.Hilal B.

The E-Book of BeInCrypto written about the female perspective on the crypto sector in Argentina, England, Singapore, and Turkey, has been published in the last days of 2022.

BeInCrypto is a blockchain media organization. It has been mentioned quite often recently by bringing together women and communities in the sector from around the world. Our CryptoFemale member from BeInCrypto TR, Deniz Nur Köken has initiated many projects by contacting us about her research on BeInCrypto Global.

The first joint project has been the e book which was prepared by interviewing the leading females in the industry from four different countries and created with the intention of shedding light on the females in the blockchain sector.

The BeInCrypto crew is nothing short of an inclusive female army.

The article, Women in Crypto: Closing the Gender Gap in a Bro-Culture Industry, focuses on women and promotes the idea that with an egalitarian and non-judgmental approach, a technological revolution is possible.

World History is full of revolutions of all kinds. In every revolution that took place before, women’s position has been inferior to men’s. Technology, science, and finance are all geared toward men. To stop the domination of white males in the blockchain industry, innovative and international efforts to make this industry more exclusive should be supported.

The founder and CEO of BeInCrypto, Alena Afanaseva, thinks it's critical to support accessibility while creating a web3 space as a brand-new world free from stigma and restrictions. In its 2022 research, DataProt discovered that only 24% of computing positions are held by women. While BeInCrypto plans to do its bit with the initiative, it is important to understand why the industry's demographics are unbalanced, what can be done to close it, and how we plan to achieve it.

The E-Book was founded after her efforts and comprised of the interviews with Hilal Baktaş from CryptoFemale (Turkey), Lavinia Osbourne from Women Blockchain Talks (UK), Rossmarie Davila from Crypto Mujeres (Argentina) and Yuree Hong from (Singapore).

“Women in Crypto”


Lavinia Osbourne from Women Blockchain Talks (UK)

Osbourne aims to include 50.000 women in the blockchain sector until 2023. She mentions a study by Bankless Times had revealed that women in the United Kingdom make more investments towards digital assets.

Davila pointed out that the women investors and developers were not more than % 20 and that after Covid-19 the participation of the women in the industry grew.

Yuree Hong from (Singapore)

Hong says in Singapore, which is one of the most active countries in the crypto industry, women are beginning to take up more important roles in the industry and that the gender gap is beginning to balance the gender gap in the last 5 years.

Baktaş stated that in Turkey the female workers make up only %5 in the industry, therefore the gender disparity is still huge. She mentioned that she had yet to come across a company where the number of women exceeded the number of male workers and that in Blockchain projects women hardly are the initiators.

About the Co-founder of CryptoFemale Hilal Baktaş

She is graduated from the Philosophy department of Kocaeli University in 2010 with her thesis on “Albert Camus and the Meaning of Life.” She finished her Masters Degree on Philosophy in Yeditepe University in 2021 with her thesis titled: “Schopenhauer from the Perspective of Feminist Philosophy.”

She is one of the few researchers on Feminist Philosophy in Turkey. She is one of the co-founders of GlobalB since 2008. She gives consultancy services and seminars on writing and project managing projects for EU-IPA-Erasmus Plus, Horizon Europe, Istanbul Development Agency, universities, high schools, and non-governmental organizations. She is the co-founder of the CryptoFemale organization since 2017. She gives seminars, workshops, and project studies to help women take part in Blockchain projects. She gives seminars on writing “WhitePaper”s for blockchain projects. She actively works on including job growth for women in the blockchain arena.



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